The Artistry of WordsPoetry is one field of art that has never been easy for me to comprehend. It confused me, yet despite my lack of comprehension I still…May 10, 2021May 10, 2021
Invitation to ContemplationSo many structures affiliated with the Catholic Church are filled with art. Whether it be a church building, a monastery, or the cell in…May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Music and TimeI think music can be a very intimidating yet inviting thing. It is such a unique art form that has the power to really encapsulate the…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
The Chapel of Christ the TeacherThe Chapel of Christ the Teacher at the University of Portland is one of my favorite spaces of worship. Perhaps it is because it was the…Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
“Eating Beauty.”Medieval theologians thought of the Eucharist as a cure for the Edenic apple (Original Sin). To understand the cure, we must understand…Mar 21, 2021Mar 21, 2021
Blog 4: Encountering the Theology of BaptismAs I have been engaged with the Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults over the past 4 years of my life, I have witnessed both the…Mar 7, 2021Mar 7, 2021
Blog 3: Liturgical Theology as AstheticThe liturgy is often a point of tension for Catholics with other Christians, and even with each other. Many people do not have a proper…Feb 21, 2021Feb 21, 2021
Blog 2: How Divine Revelation is BeautifulThe beautiful is all around us, but we often fail to recognize it. When we look around at our world, at our human condition, we can often…Feb 15, 2021Feb 15, 2021
Blog 1: Why Star Wars is BeautifulI am a huge fan of Star Wars. I have seen the above seen more times than I can count, and have always considered it to be incredible. I…Jan 31, 2021Jan 31, 2021